Hello writer friends,
Write, period was started with the hopes of making your writing process a little easier. That way, you can spend more time focusing on what you love.
Why Subscribe?
Every 1st of the month you’ll receive a list of paid writing opportunities to get your work published in literary journals, anthologies, magazines and more. You will also receive listings for project funding opportunities, fellowships and prizes.
Get your project funded
The vision for this community is to have a portion of every paid subscription (5.00/ month) going towards the writers fund where every 15th-21st of the month, you will be able to submit your project. Selected projects will be announced and paid out the following 1st of the month.
Want more eyes on your newsletter?
Every month,the recommendations list will be updated to support 3 newsletters from members of our community.
Hope to see you soon!
With care,
Write, period.